

::映画ポスター 「バスキア ダウンタウン」Basquiat’Downtown 81:2000:NewYorkBeatMovie ByEdo Bertoglio:JPmoviePosterOriginal

[ Downtown 81] New York Beat Movie DIRECTORS' FORTNIGHT CANNES 2000 [Stars: Jean Michel Basquiat] Director:Edo Bertoglio Downtown 81 ( New York Beat Movie) is a film that was shot in 1980-1981. Starring renowned artist Jean-Michel Basquiat . But the cinema did not release by reason of fund shortage at that time. Basquiat he died in 1988,and the film was missing. In 1998 , the film was found and released in 2000 ultimately. In Japan, the cinema released in 2001 by JP cinema DISTRIBUTED KINETIQUE. (attention: the cinema company KINETIQUE has been changed the name is as Culture Publisher.) --------------- condition ::: excellent size b2bann ----------------------- stock only one,its rare// This item JP movie original Poster is very great RARE!! only one !!  近作マイナー 映画ポスター 50音別007 の部屋1950年〜60年代 ヴィンテージ 映画ポスター 50音ヒッチコック 関連洋画日本版 大型ポスターUSA オリジナルポスター

Price 商品価格 16,200円(税込み)
Review Average レビュー平均 0.0(5点満点)
Review Count レビュー件数 0件
Shop Name ショップ GOLD CAT映画品 昭和 装飾